Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Buddhism comes to China 536 BCE

Siddhartha Gautama was born a prince in 536 BCE.  At his birth, the worlds flooded with light.  Only Mara, the evil one, did not rejoice.  His father got fortunetellers to find out what the future has held for him.  His father chose him to be a conqueror so he was to stay with the world as a Universal King.  One day he overlooked an old man, later disease, physical pain, and death.  He now knew the truth.  At age 29, he escaped.  He went through alot of Raja yoga.  He became and Ascetic and he only ate 6 grains of rice a day.  Later, Siddhartha came to his immovable spot under a tree and wouldn't leave until enlightenment was his.  Siddhartha came up with the four noble truths.  The truths are that life is dislocated, there is desire, overcoming, and eightfold path.  Buddhism believes in Nirvana.  Nirvana is where the Buddhists go instead of heaven after death.  It is a state of no wind, beyond body, mind, thoughts, and feelings.  The Buddha died of dysentery in the year 483 BCE.  It was a very hard time but he was glad to go the nirvana. 

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