Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mongols take China 1499

      The mongols burst out of Central Asia and stretched across Asia and Europe.  They overran Sung China and imposed Mongol rule on his people.  They were the best horsemen in the world and they were nomadic.  When they invaded China, they had much military discipline.  They demanded absolute loyalty and they learned how to use cannons.  The Mongols would kill anyone in thier sight.  It was terrifying, hiding in my own homeland so i could live.  Once they settle in China, they respected the scholars very much.  They listened to outside religions and respected the people of all beliefs.  The Mongols also took control of the silk road.  Genghis Kahn was in power from 1162-1227 A.D.  His grandson, Kubai Kahn was in control when China was under Mongol rule. 

    In 1279, the Mongols over threw the Sung dynasty.  Kubai made his capital in Beijing.  The Mongols could only serve in the military.  The problem with this settlement is that there were too few Mongols and China was too big.

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