Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Confucius 551-479 BCE

   The religion Confucianism was created by the Han dynasty.  Chinese rulers rely on Confucius' ideas.  Yin and Yang are two beliefs.  Yin has to do with earth, darkness, and female forces.  Yang has to do with heaven, light, and male forces.  The religion has spread through 1/3 of the worlds population.  There are five relationships called Jen, Chunt Zu, Li, Te, and Wen.

          Jen is the relationship between people, love and unselfishness.  Chunt Zu is also relationship and the world can find peace through self respect.  Li says that you should do things the way they should be done.  Also, Te is power. A good society comes if he or she is good. The last relationship is Wen.  Wen has to do with music, art, and the power to transform human nature.

     The five relations are very important to me because there should always be love, peace, and self respect in the world.

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