Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zheng He 1405-1433

      Zheng He was only 11 years old when his town was conquered.  He was chiet lieutenant to the emperor.  Zheng got 337 flag ships and 30,000 people in the workforce.  They built some of the largest ships ever constructed.  Some of the ships had up to 24 bronze cannons.  in 1405, they set sail.  The voyage lasted 28 years and they visited 37 countries in the time being.  In 1433, it came to a hault when Zheng He died and the fleet was recalled to China.  After Zheng He died there was a new ruler. It was a tragic event . He would colonize the world and all ocean vessels were to be detroyed.  In 1499, the Mongols returned to attack and in 1644, Beijing fell to the forces. Communism began.

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